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Updated: November 21, 2023

Spade Cards

Today, we begin on a thrilling excursion into the heart of playing spade cards, emphasising one of the deck’s most intriguing symbols – the Spade. This exploration will examine the historical foundations, the mystery behind the Hukum of spades, and the distinct identity that distinguishes these cards. Whether you’re an experienced card shark or a casual player, the realm of spades in cards has secrets that can take the enjoyment of playing to new heights. Join us as we reveal the significance of spades, not only as cards but as significant game changers with their language and strategy.

Objective of the game

Do you know what is Spade in cards? Spades is usually a four-player sport played in partnership (partners sit opposite one another). The players take turns clockwise around the table, discarding one card from their hands. If possible, you must play a card in the suit played initially (or led), known as the following suit. A trick is a unit of play consisting of four cards. Spades aims for your partnership to precisely assess the strength of your hands in the auctioning and take as many tricks as possible in the play. Spade cards play a crucial role in the spade card game. 

The Deal

The dealer divides the deck card by card, face down, to each participant, resulting in a 13-card hand for everyone. For each new hand, the deal advances clockwise across the table. A high card sketch chooses the initial dealer, and the turn to deal proceeds clockwise. The complete deck is dealt face down, one at a time, commencing on the  dealer’s left. The participants then sort their spade trump card game by suit. 

The goal is to complete as many tricks as feasible. After every hand is dealt, however, each player must predict how many cards he or she will win. This estimate is known as a bid; you can choose between no tricks and up to 13 tricks. Each player separately names the amount, and then each side pursues its own specified number of tricks, the sum of the two players’ bids. If your team succeeds, you earn points; you are penalised if you fail to accomplish your goal.

You are penalised if you use tricks more than you bid in the auction, though not as severely as if you fail to fulfil your side’s aim. (Overtricks are referred to as bags.) The trade-off between accurately valuing your hand in bidding and fulfilling your contract precisely (rather than making too many or too few tricks) is a very narrow line. All of these aspects combine to make Spades an intriguing game.

The Bidding

Each participant chooses the amount of tricks they will be able to take. The person to the dealer’s left begins the bidding, and each player declares the number of tricks they anticipate winning. There is just one round of auctioning, and the lowest bid is one. Every player has to submit a bid; no one may pass. The spade cards bid has no suit names because, as the game’s name implies, spades always win the trumps.

The Play

The game is determined by hand, and the winner must score a set number of scores before the competition begins. Although 500 points is typical, 200 points are appropriate for a short game. The player to the dealer’s left takes the first lead, and the other players must, if feasible, follow suit. If a player cannot follow suit, he or she may play an extra trump or discard. The person who plays the most powerful Trump or, if no Trump is played, the player who dealt the highest card in the suit wins the trick.

The winner of the trick takes the lead next. The game is over when none of the participants have any cards left. Each hand has a value of 13 tricks. Spades in cards may not be led unless played, or the person to lead has just Spades in his hand.


Making the contract occurs when a player wins a comparable number of cards as a bid at the start of the game. In a spade card game, a player receives 10 points for each trick won and completes the contract. If the player wins more tricks than the contract, the player wins baggage and receives one point for each additional trick. For example, if a player bids 5 tricks and wins 5 tricks throughout the game, that player receives 5* 10 = 50 points. 

What is Sandbagging in Spades?

Tricks are the number of rounds each player plays a card in a trick-taking match of spades. The tricks are also known as Books at times. The player with the most valuable card wins one trick in a round. At the beginning of the game, the players must collect at least the amount of tricks bid. For example, if a player bets four tricks at the start of the game and goes on to win four rounds, the player is considered to have won four tactics or books. 

Bags are any additional tricks won by an opponent above the total amount bid at the start or any trick won by the team that exceeds the total bid. Winning every container adds one point to the total. If a player wins over ten bags, that player loses 100 points, and the bag count is restarted. Any bags that exceed ten are carried over to the next cycle of ten overtricks, should they be reached. The Sandbagging rule is used to describe this.

How You Can Play Spades With the Help of Joker Cards

Spades using Joker is also a two to four-person game played with a conventional 52-card deck. In addition to these cards, two jokers are added to the deck: the Big Joker and Little Joker, also known as the Full-Color Joker and the Colour Joker. In this game, too, spades always represent Trump. The sole difference between this game and the classic card game is the usage of jokers. The spade suit, often known as the spade suit, features two jokers, the big and the small. The huge Joker is superior to the little Joker, who is superior to the Ace of Spades.


In simple terms, spade cards, despite their simplicity, have an intriguing history and significance in the world of decks of cards. Its striking shape and relationship with the chemical component of air make it a potent emblem as one of the four suits. The Spade’s path is rich in cultural and historical links, from its beginnings as a leaf in the Tarot deck to its significance in traditional card games. So, the next time you handle spade cards, remember that it is more than simply a gaming piece—it is a modest, legendary emblem with deep origins in the development of playing cards.


1. Which suit can be considered as higher in spades?

In all suits, the Ace is the most valuable card. For example, if the order of cards is 10-J-Q-K-A, the highest card is the Ace of Spades. If, on the other hand, the order of cards is A-2-3-4-5, the Ace becomes the lowest card, and the King of Spades becomes the highest.  

2. How can you play the game of spades?

The player to the dealer’s left takes the first lead, and the other players must, if possible, follow suit. If a player cannot follow suit, he or she may play a trump or discard. The person who throws the highest Trump or whoever plays the card with the greatest value in the suit wins the trick if no Trump is played.

3. What is a Hukum card called in English?

The ‘Hukum’ card in English is called the ‘Spade’.

4. Why is Spade being considered the highest suit?

For most games, there is no category ranking. However, the spade suit denotes nobility and is regarded as the most prestigious suit in the Bridge game. 

5. How many cards are there in spades suits?

There are a total of 13 cards in spades suit.

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